Vision Statement

A boutique transactional law firm of former Am Law 100 attorneys, who have represented Fortune 50 companies, institutional nonprofits and high net worth individuals in transactions of $1M to $1B, now proudly serving primarily, pro bono, lower-income and diverse businesses, nonprofits and creatives, such as engineers, entrepreneurs, elected representatives, educators, consultants, care providers, authors and artists.

We provide an Am Law 100 and Fortune 50 level of service experience, at a small fraction of the cost, or no cost at all, to our impactful and diverse clients on matters such as mergers & acquisitions, venture capital investments, nonprofit formation and tax-exempt application, contracts and negotiations, stock sales and reporting, corporate governance and other outside general counsel and advising.

To speak with us about a potential representation, please contact us at

“Wachterin” Meaning

wächter(in): [noun] a guardian or sentinel bound to watch over and protect an area or group of people – wächter is the masculine, and wächterin is the feminine, form of the word.

The Wächterin-Skulptur (The Guardian), located in Vienna, Austria, was created by modern artist Ulrike Truger (1988), installed as an act of protest for immigrants’ rights and standing as a symbol of respect for human dignity. 

Our hope is to act as the “wächterin” (or “watcher” or “protector”) for our local business and nonprofit communities.

See more at:

Wächterin-Skulptur, Vienna, Austria

Ulrike Truger (1988)